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How can I see reviews my clients have left for me?
How can I see reviews my clients have left for me?
Natasha avatar
Written by Natasha
Updated over a week ago

After every completed booking, the pet owner can write you a review or simply leave you 1-5 stars. You will receive an email to let you know when you have received a review from a pet owner.

Floofers App

1) Use the drop-down menu on the left-hand side and select "My account"

2) Under your profile photo and name, click the option to "View my profile"

3) Slide to the right to be taken to Reviews. Alternatively, you can click "Reviews". It is located next to "Info"


To view your review, sign in to your Floofers account and click 'View profile' from the left side menu. Your star rating will show up underneath your name. Scroll down to see your written reviews under 'Reviews'.

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