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What if I need to leave mid-booking?
What if I need to leave mid-booking?
Natasha avatar
Written by Natasha
Updated over a week ago

In the event that there is an emergency and you need to leave your booking early, please call the pet owner IMMEDIATELY to inform them of your situation. If the owner cannot be reached, please contact their emergency contact.

Then, let Floofers know via live chat, phone +61 3 9119 3041 or email [email protected] so we can help find a new carer or arrangement for the pet owner.

Stay with the pet/s for as long as possible while you organise what to do with the pet owner and with Floofers help.

If you’re leaving only for a short amount of time, make sure the pets are left with food and water. Keep the pet owner updated on when you are leaving and returning.

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