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Meet & Greets
What questions should I ask during a meet and greet?
What questions should I ask during a meet and greet?
Natasha avatar
Written by Natasha
Updated over a week ago

Meet and greets are so important for finding out all information about the pet before you accept a booking. If you have other animals at home, please confirm the owner's pet is ok with your type of pet and have them present at the meet and greet to ensure everyone gets along. Please ensure a safe introduction for the animals, such as the dogs meeting on a leash and ensuring they have positive body language.

If the pet requires some medication, it is important you feel comfortable giving it to them. Discuss the details of the medication and how the pet usually takes the medication. Make sure all medication is labelled clearly with instructions and ask for a demonstration if you are unsure.

Tip: Ask the owner if there is some trick to getting the pet to take the medication such as hiding it in some food.

Knowing what belongings you will be given can help prepare you before the booking. Ask the owner where the pet sleeps, what toys they enjoy and what other belongings you will be given for their stay.

Pet schedule (feeding, toileting, sleeping, playtime)
Most pets will have their own schedule including when and where they go to bed & wake up, eat food, have bathroom breaks, like to go for a walk, playtime and downtime. Ask the owner what a usual day looks like for their pet to understand if you could maintain their routine.

The food and treats will be provided by the owner, but it is important to understand the pet's food requirements. Please ask if the pet has any food allergies you will need to be aware of.
Finding out where the pet usually goes to the toilet and how often can help you better understand their needs, especially if the pet will be inside the entire time and require frequent bathroom breaks. Asking about toileting can also help you with preparing your home if the pet is not properly toilet trained (such as removing any floor mats/rugs) prior to their arrival.

Personality, behaviour and quirks
Pets are all unique so there will definitely be some quirks to discuss. It is important to understand the pet's temperament and behaviours before accepting a booking to ensure you can cater to their needs. It is helpful to find out what the pet likes and doesn't like and the dos and don'ts of caring for the pet. If there are behaviour traits you are unsure about, simply ask the owner how they usually manage this at home. Be honest with the owner if there is something you are not comfortable with.


If you have offered any add-on services such as dog walking or transport, please discuss the details during the meet and greet.

Booking details

Clarify expectations of the booking arrangement. Make sure there is a clear understanding of the dates, hours and services involved.

Determine a preferred method of communication (text, call, WhatsApp etc.) and a schedule to have ongoing communication with the pet owner whilst they are away. Confirm you have the correct details for their emergency contact and their usual Veterinary clinic.

Other questions
The meet and greet is the time to ask anything and everything you may need to know about the pet and required booking. The pet owner will appreciate your willingness to learn all about their pet to deliver an outstanding level of care.

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